活 動 及 課 程
活動及課程 > 多語咖啡 10 個語言週五派對
多語咖啡 10 個語言週五派對:從世界多語大會回來的我們

  多語朋友們的大家好,有沒有覺得平常週三週六的多語咖啡 (polyglot.tw) 講不過癮,想跟各國桌長們吃喝玩樂盡情暢談到深夜呢?我們跟 italki (italki.com) 合作舉辦一場 10 個語言,有吃有喝有玩的超級多語咖啡大派對,讓你一次滿滿習得各國語言!


  此外,前陣子 10 多位多語朋友到福岡參加世界多語大會 (Polyglot Conference),我們將跟各位分享大會期間的各種奇聞,以及從各國「神人」身上學到的「語言習得」精華,手刀趕快報名這場派對吧!我們邀請各母語人士帶領你學習語言!



Multilingual Cafe 10-Languages Friday Party Mixer

  Bonjour fellow language lovers! I know our regular polyglot.tw meetups are too short for you and you all want to practice languages and make friends to your heart's content. So we are partnering with italki.com to throw a massive 10-Languages Party which will include food and soft drinks.

  On top of that, some of us just came back from Fukuoka Polyglot Conference 2019 and were eager to share what we have learned from language masters all over the world!

  Anyway, it's going to be an amazing event, so sign up now!

  P.S. you don’t have to be a polyglot to join but we will be having native speaking language leaders for the following languages to help you practice your languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Thai, Vietnamese, Cantonese.

  Anyone is learning or wants to learn a new language is welcome!


※ 日期:2019 年 11 月 15 日 (星期五)

※ 時間:19:00 ~ 21:30

※ 費用:線上報名 400 元;當場報名 500 元 (含外燴與比薩,保證吃飽)

※ 報名方式:請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」網站購票

※ 地點:The Hive Taipei (https://www.facebook.com/theHiveTaipei/)

※ 地址:台北市中正區重慶南路一段 119 號


※ Date: November 15, 2019 (Friday)

※ Time: 19:00 ~ 21:30

※ Fee: 400 NTD sign up on accupass (500 NTD at door)*

※ Signup: ACCUPASS 活動通

※ Event location: The Hive Taipei (https://www.facebook.com/theHiveTaipei/)

※ Address: No. 119, Chongqing South Road Section 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei (台北市中正區重慶南路一段 119 號)

*If you are unable to use Accupass please contact us directly.

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