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全新系列活動 -「語言實境綜藝坊」
Language Immersion Variety Show
  A series of workshops, games, talk shows, and theater skits dedicated to language immersion, expanding our cultural horizons, and feeling more at home in the world.


Episode 1: How learning languages ruined my life

  They sucked. They stressed out. They failed. Then they conquered. Language learning gurus and polyglot lifestyle experts use storytelling, imitation, improvisation, and games to show how learning a new language -- or several -- can transform your life, expand your identity, and make you feel at home anywhere in the world.

主持人介紹 / The Host

Isaac Myers

  Isaac 原以為自己夠認識世界,直到八年前開始學語言並到各地旅行,才明白自己的思考和眼界還只是根深蒂固的美國人。透過學語言,他意外發現通往世界和自己的途徑:不同文化讓他學會多種思考方式,胸懷更寬、應變能力更好;不同語言讓他發展出不同性格,他發掘自己還有很多面向和潛力;語言也幫助他克服了一些弱點,結交更多各地的好朋友。因此他相信學語言真的能轉變人生,也希望讓更多人有這樣豐富的體驗。

  Isaac started to learn languages and travel eight years ago. It was then that he realized how his thoughts and perception were deeply rooted in his particular American cultural context. Language learning became an unexpected channel between him and the world. Interacting with other cultures taught him to think in different ways and be more adaptable; learning new languages nurtured different sides of his personality, uncovered parts of himself he hadn’t realized existed, and helped him overcome many of his weaknesses. Not least, he was able to make new friends from all over the world. Isaac believes in the power of language learning to transform someone’s life, and hopes that more and more people will be able to have this enriching kind of experience.

多語達人介紹 / The Language Gurus

Alexander Ferguson

  Alexander Ferguson 活躍的國際多語達人,專精於各種語言的腔調與發音,能精準分析出一般人發音問題。他是深諳中提琴、鋼琴、口技的音樂家,也是熱愛跳舞的語言學和文化人類學者。他浸泡在多種語言以深入各種文化,同時也教導語言、文化、溝通與心靈是密不可分的現象。

  大學時期在 University of Colorado Boulder 主修語言學、人類學及中文。熱愛並學習多種語言,除了中、英、法、葡、西、義、德、土、越等常見語言外,也學過印度語、波斯語、蘇格蘭蓋爾語、挪威語。

  Alexander Ferguson is an active member of the global polyglot community, a master of accents and pronunciation, a musician, a dancer, a linguist, and an anthropologist. He thrives on diversity and immerses himself in languages to adapt to different cultures, and teaches that language, culture, communication, and the mind are inseparable phenomena.

  Alexander speaks English, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, and Vietnamese, and has also studied Hindi, Farsi, Scottish Gaelic, and Norwegian. At the University of Colorado Boulder, he majored in Linguistics, Anthropology, and Chinese, and minored in French.

David Zen

  David Zen 精通中、英、西班牙文、法文、德文和日文,他花了15年以上時間嘗試各種學語言的方法和面對錯誤,因此獲得極有效的學習技巧。由於優異的語言能力使他過去也從事各種跨國工作,例如:口譯、翻譯、多語業務員及專案管理等等。此外,他也是一位演員,藉由善用演戲和模仿技巧,讓他在使用的六種語言上都能到達母語人士的道地程度。

  David 的語言能力示範請看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9fsyElISSw

  David Zen is professionally fluent in Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. He has spent 15+ years of trying every possible technique and making every possible mistake, which has led him to develop a highly effective technique for learning languages.

  Zen has leveraged his linguistic abilities into a global career in interpretation, translation, and multilingual sales and project management. He is also an actor, and excels at using acting and imitation to lend all six of his languages a native-like fluency and intonation.

  For a demonstration of David’s language skills, please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9fsyElISSw

活動資訊 / Information

※ 日期:2017 年 03 月 26 日 (星期日)

※ 時間:14:00 ~ 16:00

※ 費用:400 元

※ 報名方式:本次活動需先報名,請填寫本頁下方的報名表。

※ 付款方式:活動當天現場付費。

※ 地點:3 Café Studio (https://www.facebook.com/3cafestudio/)

※ 地址:台北市中山區建國北路二段 18 號 (捷運松江南京站 6 號出口直走、建國北路左轉)

※ Date: March 26, 2017 (Sunday)

※ Time: 14:00 ~ 16:00

※ Fee: 400 NT

※ Signup: This event requires signup in advance. Please fill in the registration form below.

※ Payment method: Pay at event.

※ Event location: 3 Café Studio (https://www.facebook.com/3cafestudio/)

※ Address: No. 18, Jianguo North Road Section 2, Zhongshan District, Taipei (台北市中山區建國北路二段 18 號)
(MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station Exit 6, go straight and turn left at Jianguo North Road)

報名 / Register

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