★★★ Polyglot.tw 2016年終巨獻【多語大師來對談】★★★
★★★ 【A dialogue between polyglots】★★★
Language mastery: The many paths and the one way
※ 英文場 English Panel -- 11/27(日)下午1:30-5:30 「Language mastery: The many paths and the one way.」
(英文場已延期 / english panel is postponed)
英文場講者 / English Panel Attendee: David Zen / Alexander Ferguson
※ 中文場 Mandarin Panel -- 12/04(日)下午1:30-5:30 「關於學語言你想知道和應該知道的問題與解決途徑」
中文場講者 / Mandarin Panel Attendee: David Zen / Andrei Veja
Polyglot.tw 創立以來經歷四百場左右的語言活動,聽到最多學語言的各種問題,也收集最多各地語言達人的學習技巧。我們發現,只要有正確的指導,所有學語言的疑難雜症其實都有解。
Since the founding of Polyglot.tw, we’ve heard every language learning question and consulted with polyglots from many parts of the world. This experience has taught us an important lesson: There are no barriers, whether related to one’s technique or one’s mentality, that can’t be overcome with the right approach.
Thus, we are inviting three proficient polyglots to have a dialogue, to guide us on an exploration of their methods for getting fluent and the barriers they have overcome to get there. To make it accessible to everyone, we will hold one session in Chinese, and one in English.
We have purposely chosen polyglots with widely different backgrounds and learning styles. Two have academic backgrounds in linguistics, while one is a completely self-taught “language chameleon.” Combining their different backgrounds and experience in over 30 languages, they will show us the path to language mastery.
上半場 -- 開始或重來:持續學習的方法和心態
Session I -- How to start, and maintaining the right mindset from the beginning.
下半場 -- 進階的樂趣:掌握流暢度&多語學習
Sesson II –- Getting fluent, and multiple language learning.
David Zen (英文場及中文場 / English & Mandarin Panel)
David Zen 是精通六國語言的美籍華裔演員,包括中、英、日文、西班牙文、法文和德文,並能隨時流利切換不同語言。David 花了十五年以上時間嘗試各種有用和錯誤的方法學語言,發展出一套能持續學習和進步的方法,在多語咖啡 David 有過好幾次不同語言母語人士都說,覺得自己母語沒有 David 講得好。David 畢業於 UCLA 經濟系,擔任過國際巨星李連杰的翻譯,也在日商企業擔任過口譯。
David的語言示範請看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9fsyElISSw
David Zen, a Taiwanese-American foreign language consultant/interpreter and part-time actor & speaker, is professionally fluent in the following languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. At the Polyglot Cafe event, David’s fluency has frequently caused native speakers to lament that he speaks their language even better than they do! He can switch seamlessly between these languages at will, which has given him the nickname Polyglot Chameleon.
David has spent over 15 years trying every possible technique and making every possible mistake, which has led him to develop a highly effective technique for learning and assimilating a language through observation, listening and imitation. David graduated from UCLA with a degree in economics, trained on the side in screenwriting and acting, and has served in the following positions: translator for international martial arts superstar Jet Li, a multilingual expense auditor working in six different languages at Warner Bros., an interpreter for German/Japanese tourists and student groups in Los Angeles, and an Japanese/Chinese/English interpreter/project manager for a Japanese RC car company firm based in L.A.
For a demonstration of David’s language skills, please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9fsyElISSw
Alexander Ferguson (英文場 / English Panel)
活躍的國際多語達人,本身在美國西雅圖舉辦多語活動集結語言同好,也每年赴德國柏林參加各國多語達人集會,並在其中發表演說。因此他的分享不只是本身的學習方法,還包含其他國際多語達人的珍貴經驗。大學時期在 University of Colorado Boulder 主修語言學、人類學及中文。熱愛並學習多種語言,除了中、英、法、葡、西、義、德、土、越等常見語言外,也學過印度語、波斯語、蘇格蘭蓋爾語、挪威語。Alexander 是軟體工程師、擅長口技、拉中提琴、玩劇場活動,認為這些對學語言都很有幫助。
Alexander Ferguson shares his lively energy and passion for languages at his own polyglot cafe in Seattle, U.S.A., and at the polyglot conference in Berlin, where he participates and presents every year. Therefore he can share with us not only his own experience, but also the collected wisdom and advice from the other international polyglots he has met.
Alexander speaks English, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, and Vietnamese, and has also studied Hindi, Farsi, Scottish Gaelic, and Norwegian. At the University of Colorado Boulder, he majored in Linguistics, Anthropology, and Chinese, and minored in French. Alexander is a software engineer, excels at beatboxing and accents, plays the viola, acts in dramas, and believes that all of these activities contribute and give depth to his language learning.
Andrei Veja (中文場 / Mandarin Panel)
羅馬尼亞裔美國人,聽他講中文和台語,會對他道地的口音和用語感到吃驚。高中開始迷上語言的聲音和文字,英文之外也深諳羅馬尼亞文、中文、德文、西班牙文、台語。他廣泛研究東、西方語言包括:匈牙利文、世界語、丹麥文、希臘文、芬蘭文、荷蘭文、葡萄牙文、文言文、廣東話、愛爾蘭文、印尼文、俄文、土耳其文、阿拉伯文、緬甸文、韓文、瑪拉雅姆文、蒙古文,因此能給予直接有效的語言學習建議。畢業於 University of Washington 語言學系。
Listening to Andrei Veja speaking Chinese and Taiwanese, one is shocked by his native-like accent and diction. After becoming obsessed with the sounds and symbols of language in high school, he went on to study linguistics at the University of Washington, Seattle, and gain fluency in Romanian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Taiwanese. His wide-ranging passion further led him to study Hungarian, Esperanto, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, classical Chinese, Cantonese, Irish Gaelic, Hindi, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Burmese, Korean, Malayalam, and Mongolian. This staggering list of languages means he is adept at giving advice both universal and exceedingly specific.
※ 費用:單場購買(上半場或下半場)450 元,上下場一起購買 750 元。
※ 報名方式:本次活動需先報名繳費,請填寫本頁下方的報名表。
※ 付款方式:可在台北多語言 Café 繳費 (請查看活動時間),或匯款至「玉山銀行(808) 帳號 0015971121721 (戶名:李昀翰)」。
※ 地點:3 Café Studio (https://www.facebook.com/3cafestudio/)
※ 地址:台北市中山區建國北路二段 18 號 (捷運松江南京站 6 號出口直走、建國北路左轉)
※ Fee: single session 450 NT (first half or second half), both sessions 750 NT.
※ Signup: This event requires signup in advance. You can either pay first and then fill in your registration information, or you can register first and then pay.
※ Payment method: You can either pay in person at polyglot cafe (please check our schedule for cafe times), or remit to E.SUN Bank (玉山銀行, code 808) A/C 0015971121721 (account name: 李昀翰)
※ Event location: 3 Café Studio (https://www.facebook.com/3cafestudio/)
※ Address: No. 18, Jianguo North Road Section 2, Zhongshan District, Taipei (台北市中山區建國北路二段 18 號)
(MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station Exit 6, go straight and turn left at Jianguo North Road)